B.Arch and Master in Architecture and Urbanism by the University of Navarre, Spain in 2001. Doctoral studies at the Polytechnic University of Madrid 2004-2006. Master in Architecture Management and Design from IE University Madrid in 2015.
2000 collaborator of the CM architects studio in Madeira, Portugal. 2001-2004 collaborator of the Vicens + Ramos studio in Madrid. 2004-2010 Founding partner of J1 Arquitectos in Madrid. In 2010 he moved to Salzburg where in 2012 he founded haro architects. Member of the Official College of Architects of Madrid, of the Colombian Society of Architects and of the College of Architects and Engineers of Upper Austria and Salzburg. XXIX Ricardo Magdalena Architecture Prize, XIX Asturias Architecture Prize, Accésit XXIII García Mercadal Architecture Prize, XI Asprocon Prize among others.